Archive for June, 2018

Anatomy of a Champion

Posted: June 26, 2018 in Uncategorized

Three years ago I met this young lady when she interviewed me to try and sell her on coming to our school, Indian Ridge Middle School. She and her mom sat in my office for over two hours as I explained to her that “The Ridge” was the best school to display her talents. After all, she already had her own charity, Devoted2babies.  She was the CEO at 9 years old. What could I offer a highly advanced student that would be different from most other schools? After the usual schpeel about how great our teachers are and the exposure she can raise for her cause, we got down to brass tacks. I told her that I was the coordinator of an after school program which prepares students to be successful debaters. She listened and asked a million questions. At the two hour mark, I think I had her sold. My assistant thought that she was moving in.

It worked. She started in the fall of 2015 with about 15 other 6th graders. I was then working with about 30, 7th and 8th graders. A few of them were truly fantastic debaters honing their skills for the top High Schools in Broward County.  Year one was all about learning to be organized and putting your thoughts on paper in a cogent manner.  For over nine months she was diligent and worked hard on every assignment.

Year two was all about camaraderie, she had to learn to work in a group of four. Working and sharing with others allows you to learn leadership and hone the ability to share with others and not be selfish with your work. That year we went on to two-man teams. Trusting another person is always difficult for star students who work hard. This skill allows you to bounce ideas off another person and accept criticisms.  By the end of year two, we finally moved to one-on-one debates. Most students on the team were afraid of the 8th graders as they were now well-trained debaters. They are highly skilled in the art of verbal combat! They dissect a topic and can present either pros or cons on any issue. She debated one of the top 8th grade students and squeaked a unanimous decision over him. Obviously, he was not happy but all of the judges and parents in attendance agreed that she was the clear winner.

Enter year three. I knew that I was retiring early but did not let her know until a couple of weeks before my announcement. She was now in a very competitive debate class. Five days a week her preparation and skills were being put to the test.

All 8th-grade debaters would have to participate in at least 5 district-wide competitions against other schools which may include High School students. She won every 8th-grade competition!

She was always the best prepared, well informed, knowledgeable student to represent Indian Ridge all year. Of course, there were the petty jealousies that go with carrying the crown.

She overcame each and every obstacle presented to her. There were many challenging moments and many a day where she wanted to pack it in. But like what all champions do, she conquered her fears and doubts and moved on to the next competition.

This week the National Debate Championship was held here in Florida. Students from all over the country met to show off for their parents and their schools. My student, Susan Rossano, finished in 8th place out of all the students in the country who entered the competition.

I am so unbelievably proud of her accomplishments and her success. She will take her skills to High School and continue to demonstrate her Commitment to Excellence. She is not just a fantastic debater, but she is also a high achieving student who can converse intelligently on almost any subject with an adult.* 

Some of her teachers wanted her autograph because they know when they have experienced something or someone special. I have refrained from asking for an autograph because I intend on being a part of her life until the end of my days.*

Susan Rossano, you are my Champion and one of whose achievements under my guidance I am proudest of!  

Success and love as you move on to your new challenges.

*Mrs. Muniz echoes these sentiments! I can’t wait to see you soar to reach all your life goals!

I am so proud of you, Susan!

Susan Debate Champ


Posted: June 16, 2018 in Uncategorized

I met Ron Green in early 1973.  We became fast friends almost immediately.  He had an impressive memory for birthdays and special occasions. Over the next few years Ronnie and Sandy gave birth to Rashaad and Reinaldo. My son Jason was already born so the kids were and still are lifelong friends. Lily and I were so happy, almost ecstatic, when we were asked to be Reinaldo’s Godparents. Gil and Marcia Dominguez are Rashaad’s Godparents. Since we were always so close, we always considered both boys our Godchildren. We have lived through many ups and downs with the boys. Illnesses, separation of parents, watching Ronnie be the taskmaster as the boys were put through the regimen of attempting to become baseball stars. We were there when the boys were given “the talk”.  I’m sure they truly didn’t understand until later on in life. When you’re in a bi-racial home, I know that identity issues are always nearby. Those boys grew up to be strong men!  Now independent thinkers, the boys wentScreen Shot 2018-06-15 at 8.34.47 AM to college and selected their own paths to follow. Both married and now Reinaldo has his own family. We as a family were so blessed when Rio came into the world. Now Rio has a brother Rafael (Ron). One can never speak to how good a husband another person is, but we can certainly see how great a father Reinaldo is! I am so proud of  Reinaldo’s accomplishments as a father. Career aside, I look forward to seeing the kind of relationship these two boys will have. If their relationship is anything like Rashaad and Reinaldo, then Chiara is going to have a great life.  You never know who will turn out to be great fathers.                                                                                                                          Happy Father’s Day Rei, Nelson, Uncle Ray, Matt, Rick and all those wonderful fathers who not only talk about being fathers but demonstrate their love every day.